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IET 110 Fundamentals of Computer Technology Problems & Solutions (Technology Management Course Help)
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Take Test: Quiz 5
021FA Fundamental Computer Tech (ETM-110-301)
Description | The quiz consists of 11 questions and lasts 20 minutes.The quiz will automatically submit once the time limit has been reached. |
Instructions | The quiz consists of 11 questions and lasts 20 minutes.The quiz will automatically submit once the time limit has been reached. |
Timed Test | This test has a time limit of 20 minutes.This test will save and submit automatically when the time expires. Warnings appear when half the time, 5 minutes, 1 minute, and 30 seconds remain. |
Multiple Attempts | Not allowed. This test can only be taken once. |
Force Completion | This test can be saved and resumed at any point until time has expired. The timer will continue to run if you leave the test. |
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- A type of specialty processor devoted exclusively to protecting your privacy.
- The system board is also known as the ________.
- Which of the following is a function of the control unit?
- Tiny circuit boards etched onto squares of sandlike material, called silicon, are called ________.
- Most desktop and laptop computers come with a standard set of ports for connecting ________, such as a monitor and keyboard.
- The ________ system consists of only two digits—0 and 1.
- ________ ports are audiovisual ports typically used to connect large monitors. These ports are used with many Apple Macintosh computers.
- The most widely used character encoding standard today is ________.
- Which of the following offers a combination of the features of RAM and ROM?
- For multicore processors to be used effectively, computers must understand how to divide tasks into parts that can be distributed across each core—an operation called ________.
- With these systems, input and output devices are located outside the system unit.
Release Date: September 16, 2021
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