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Hydrology Problems & Solutions (Technology Management Course Help)
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Futuristic Solution #36
Homework #1
- A rocket carrying a tank of water weighing 8.83 kN on Earth lands on the moon where the gravitational acceleration is one-sixth that of Earth’s. Find the mass and the moon weight of the water.
- A fluid completely fills a container that is 1.5 feet high and 1.25 feet in diameter. If the fluid weighs 105.5 lbs. without the container, find, Specific weight and specific gravity
- A can measuring 4.0 inches in diameter and 6.0 in high is filled with a liquid. If the net weight is 2.0 lb, what is the specific weight of liquid?
- A container measuring 10.0cm diameter by 20 cm height is filled with a liquid. If the net weight is 450 N, What is the specific weight of liquid?
- What is the specific gravity of SAE oil, which has a specific weight of 57.4 lb/ft3
- Determine the force required to drag a small barge (10 ft by 30 ft) in a shallow canal (3 inches deep) in order to maintain a velocity of 5 ft/sec. Assume that the fluid is behaving in a Newtonian fashion and the water temperature is 68°F.
Release Date: June 11, 2021
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