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ETM 319 /Assignment 2 /Six Sigma and SPC Problem Solving Techniques
(p26-2) A project team is studying the downtime cost of a soft drink bottling line. Data analysis in thousands of dollars for a three-month period are: back-pressure regulator, 30; adjust feed worm, 15; jam copper head, 6; lost cooling, 52; valve replacement, 8; and other, 5. Construct a Pareto diagram.
(p26-4) A major DVD-of-the-month club collected data on the reasons for returned shipments during a quarter. Results are: wrong selection, 50,000; refused, 195,000; wrong address, 68,000; order canceled, 5000; and other, 15,000. Construct a Pareto diagram.
(p26-8) A building construction company needs a Pareto diagram for the analysis of the following design department cost of poor quality:
Q#3 figure attached
Release Date: June 08, 2021
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