Solved: Assignment Descriptions All written assignments should be typed using no larger than 12-point font, no more than 1.25-inch margins, and double-spaced.... | TutorDollar
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Family Communication Problems & Solutions (Humanities Course Help)

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Futuristic Solution #48

Assignment Descriptions 

All written assignments should be typed using no larger than 12-point font, no more than 1.25-inch margins, and double-spaced. Assignments that do not comply with these qualifications will receive a letter grade deduction. All assignments will be graded on Correctness and Grammar as well as the content.

Final Paper (100 points) For the final paper, you will assess your own family using the concepts covered in class. Using your text, assignments, and discussions, assess your family’s communication based on what you have learned in this class. Be sure to use the vocabulary we have covered throughout the class. The paper does not have a page limit, but should include all of the following:

Introduction - Introduce your family, define your family (i.e., who will be considered “family” for this paper), identify the type of family yours is, and give any background information that you feel is relevant to your paper and my understanding of your family.

Body - Describe the aspects of communication in your family including an assessment of the family communication theory that best represents your family(i.e., use examples to demonstrate which theory plays out the most in your family), roles and rules in your family (i.e., identify what roles the members play and what rules exist explicitly and implicitly), social influences (i.e., how have media, gender issues, and the government affected your family), intimacy (i.e., discuss how the intimacy theories play a part in your family and how intimacy is expressed in your family), family stories (i.e., share one or two-family stories that demonstrate something about your family), conflict & power (i.e., assess how your family deals with conflict and how power is played out and demonstrated), stress & stressors (i.e., assess the types of stress that exist in your family and how they are dealt with), and challenging dialogues (i.e., religion, sexuality, etc.). Use any additional information we have discussed or read about, as you see relevant.

Conclusion – Using the information you have included in your paper, make an overall assessment of your family. Do you think your family is a strong cohesive well-working family or does it need improvement in certain areas? If it needs improvement, in what areas and how would you go about making those improvements? If it is a strong cohesive family, why do you think that is? Be sure to support your assessment with information we have learned in class and you have included in your paper.

Your grade will be based on the strength of your arguments and the specific examples you give for each section. That is to say, you are expected to give a clear, insightful assessment and to SUPPORT that assessment with references to specific examples. Spelling and grammar count. See Evaluation Sheet at end of Syllabus for an explanation of how your paper will be graded. You can use this as a rubric/guide while writing the paper.

You will submit this assignment to Assignment DropBox.

Release Date: June 16, 2021

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